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Optional Subject "Renewable Energies" (UNPA-UARG / Chemical Engineering and Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources)

Renewable Energy Education

Since 1998, the Renewable Energy Seminars have been held at UNPA-UARG. In 2010, it was instituted as an optional subject in the 2nd Semester for the Chemical Engineering and IRNR Careers


Program and main contents

The optional subject of Renewable Energies covers the use of non-polluting renewable energy sources, mainly in rural areas, framed in the use  rational use of energy, as a sustainable exploitation of the natural resources of the Austral Patagonian region.  Seeks to integrate into engineering training  the  trend  preponderant  on  how much  to  the  growing share of renewable resources as primary energy sources to substitute fossil energy resources. Knowledge of these energy alternatives applied to rural areas represents a field of knowledge related to engineering performance. This is so considering that said knowledge is conceptually linked to sustainable development, and to the extension of the productive frontier.

Download Subject Program (PDF)


Engineer Nestor Cortez  carrying out practices with students and teaching teams at SILOSE (Río Gallegos - 2019) 

Ings. Patricio Triñanes (upper photo) and Jorge Lescano (lower photo) conducting practices with students on Edibon didactic solar equipment from the San Julian Academic Unit - UNPA (2017)

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