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AEA Webinar 20-08-21

IP activities 29/A412-29/D084-PIO CONICET
08-20-2021 – Alternative Energies Area (AEA) UNPA - ITA - CIT Santa Cruz

Development of the Meeting

A webinar was held on 08-20 via Zoom to disseminate the progress of the three projects  29/A412-29/D084-PIO CONICET and an update on two central issues of the same:
- Optical and technological principles of LIDAR systems by Dr. Jacobo Salvador
- IEC standards for wind turbines and isolated systems with renewable energy by Mg. Raphael Olive
Subsequently, brief summaries of the members on different topics were presented.  


The objective of the Webinar was to show progress in different aspects of the projects, given the particular circumstance of the pandemic in the last year and a half, and also to present in greater technical detail some of the principles of LiDAR technology applied fundamentally to remote measurements of wind. Likewise, some aspects of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) regulations related to wind generation systems were analyzed. As the AEA brings together projects on different topics and Groups, presentations were also made on work carried out within the framework of the three projects. The Webinar, which lasted from 2:00 p.m. to after 6:00 p.m., was framed as a University Extension activity, and was attended by delegates from the Santa Cruz Energy Institute (IESC) and authorities from the CIT (Center for Research and Transfer) Santa Cruz from CONICET. ( Full Webinar Recording Link )

1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION (Mg. Ing. Rafael Oliva) ( Link Initial Presentation PDF )


2. Optical and technological principles of LIDAR systems  (Dr. Jacobo Salvador, currently doing a postdoctoral degree at Lund University, Sweden) - ( PDF Presentation ) - ( Link Video Lund University )

3. IEC standards for wind turbines and isolated systems with Renewable Energies  (Mg. Ing. Rafael Oliva) - ( PDF Presentation )

4. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED GREENHOUSE MODEL  (Eng. Patricio Triñanes B.) - ( PDF Presentation ) ( LinkVideo-Section-DemonstrationTinkerCAD )

5. ACTIVITIES AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS IN ANTARCTICA (Mg. Ing. Leonardo González) - ( PDF Presentation )  


7. Improvement, Review and Certification of wind resource measurement systems in the Puerto San Julián area (Ing. José F. González) - ( PDF Presentation ) 

Conclusions: We appreciate the accompaniment of those who participated in the Seminar, the UARG Extension Secretariat, the Santa Cruz Energy Institute and the CIT-Santa Cruz of CONICET

Final Photo after hours - Last minutes. Thank you all!

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