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XIX Jornadas de Informática (Computer Science Days) UNPA-UARG / AEA Embedded Systems (04-11-2022)


On 04/11/2022 the AEA (Area Energías Alternativas) was involved in the XIX Computer Science meeting (XIX Jornadas de Informática de UNPA-UARG). Nestor Cortez and Rafael Oliva presented the subject “Advances in web interfaces for embedded systems using ESP technology” (“Avances en interfaces web para sistemas embebidos utilizando tecnología ESP”). It was divided in a first introductory part by R.Oliva, and then practical cases presented by N.Cortez showing user interfaces with mobile phones, with ESP8266 and ESP32 modules. First a rotation inversion of a 220 VCA ventilator motor using ESP32 was shown, and later an ESP-Conv1 coupled to a legacy SISMED/SJ24 data acquisition system (in operation since 2015 at Chacra UASJ - UNPA), based on ESP8266.



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