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“Tecnología Aquí y Ahora” Project – Automated model greenhouse using Arduino 11-11-22


Last 11/11/2022 Area Energías Alternativas (AEA) presented its fourth activity within the SPU Extension Project “Tecnología Aquí y Ahora” 2022-2023 (Technology Here and Now), intended to apply and demonstrate technology solutions which are relevant for local projects, and make them available for advanced high school students of technical orientation. These activities are organized by ITA (Applied Technology Institute) within UNPA-UARG and have financial support from SPU (Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias).

This activity was designed and prepared by Patricio Triñanes of AEA, and consisted mainly of the construction of a small-scale Arduino Mega – based prototype of an automated greenhouse, which was presented to 4th-year high school students from Escuela Industrial Nro 4. First phase was a 30 minute explanation of the physical principles, hardware deployed and software solutions developed. Then the operation of the prototype was presented in the A5 Lab at UARG, where the students were keen to make questions and test the working prototype features. Development was aided by Jonathan Quiroga and Cecilia Fuentes. Cooperation for the project was also provided by Rafael Oliva, Jorge Lescano and Eduardo D’Elía.

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