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Green H2-Diploma course at UNRN-Viedma 25 and 26/11/2022


Last November 25 and 26 Rafael Oliva from AEA was in charge of the “Integrated Energy Systems” course at the Green H2 Diploma series (technical-undergraduate) organized by the National University of Río Negro and the local H2-V institute in Viedma, Río Negro (Argentina). The course, related to isolated wind power and storage, is part of the Diploma which was coordinated by Dr. Juan Carlos Bolcich, internationally known specialist in hydrogen energy and former external director of Project 29/A136 at UNPA between 2003 and 2006. It was a great experience with a very dynamic and curious group of students, in spite of the tight schedule of the course. The last day the course ended just in time for the Argentina-México World Cup match, so it was also a very special occasion.

Course contents (spanish) 25 y 26/11/22:



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