Our AEA & GIOp Groups
The ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES AREA "Carlos Luna Pont" of the UNPA is a research group within the framework of the Institute of Applied Technology, dedicated to the study and dissemination of clean and renewable energy sources, and energy storage mechanisms such as advanced batteries and hydrogen, with emphasis on measurements related to systems that use these sources, and their applicability in the southern Patagonian environment.
AEA was formed in 1995 and works systematically in the area of renewable energy measurements and isolated systems, both at UARG and at UA San Julián. It has participated in UNPA Research Projects, Networks (CYTED/REGEDIS and WindEmpowerment), Projects with other Universities (UNComa, UMAG in Chile) and currently participates in UNPA Type I and CONICET PIO projects together with members of the GIOp and ARDORA groups and in agreements with other institutions. such as IESC and SPSE (Santa Cruz) and INTI (Neuquén).
Head: Mg. Ing. OLIVA, Rafael B.
AEA / UARG members:
Esp. Ing. CORTEZ, Néstor
Ing. Lescano, Jorge Raúl
Eng. Specialist TRIÑANES BARRIENTOS, Patricio Eduardo
Cooperation in AEA Projects - other Groups:
GIOP / UARG (Applied Optoelectronics Research Group):
Dr. Eng. SALVADOR, Jacobo
Ing. QUIROGA Jonathan
Ing. LUNA, Florencia
ARDORA / UARG (High Performance Computing Research Group):
Mg. Ing. GONZÁLEZ, Leonardo
Mg. Lic. SOFIA, Osiris
AEA / UA San Julian Delegation:
Ing. GONZALEZ, Jose Fidel
Ing. CABRERA, Sergio
Ing. GARZON, Nestor
e-mail: roliva@uarg.unpa.edu.ar
54 2966 438176/438151/431202 Int. 108
Keywords: Renewable Energy, Measurements, Embedded Systems, Hydrogen
Area Energías Alternativas (AEA-UNPA) - SitioAEAUNPA
The Team
Members 29/A412 - 29/A492:
Rafael Oliva (1), Jacobo Salvador (2), Néstor Cortez (1), Jorge Lescano (1), Patricio Triñanes (1), Jonathan Quiroga (2), Magdalena Flores (1), Fuentes Zamorano, Cecilia (1)
Luna, Florencia (2)
(1) Alternative Energies Area/ Institute of Applied Technology UARG - UNPA - Gregores Av. / Piloto Lero Rivera Rio Gallegos- Santa Cruz (Argentina)
(2) GIOP + Atmospheric Observatory of Austral Patagonia / CEILAP-CONICET and Institute of Applied Technology UARG UNPA

Ings. Lescano, Cortez, Oliva and Tec. J.Ortiz - 2021

Ing. Patricio Triñanes / Greenhouse Simulator (2021)
Jacobo Salvador (2), Rafael Oliva (1), Nestor Cortez (1), Jorge Lescano (1), Patricio Triñanes (1), Jonathan Quiroga
Leonard Gonzalez (4)
(2), Magdalena Flores (1), Jose Fidel Gonzalez, (3) Luna, Florencia (2)
(1) Alternative Energies Area / Institute of Applied Technology UARG - UNPA - Gregores Avenue / Piloto Lero Rivera Rio Gallegos- Santa Cruz (Argentina)
(2) GIOP Group and Atmospheric Observatory of South Patagonia / CEILAP-CONICET and Institute of Applied Technology UARG UNPA
(3) Alternative Energies Area UNPA-UASJ – Puerto San Julián - Santa Cruz (Argentina)
(4) ARDORA Group/High Performance Computing / Project 29/A425

mg. Ing. L. Gonzalez in Antarctica (2019)
Members 29/D084 - 29/ D107
Raphael Oliva (1),
Jose Fidel Gonzalez, (2)
Nestor Cortez (1), Jorge Lescano (1), Patricio Triñanes (1), Nestor Garzon (2), Sergio Cabrera (2),
(1) Alternative Energies Area / Institute of Applied Technology UARG - UNPA - Gregores Av. / Piloto Lero Rivera Rio Gallegos- Santa Cruz (Argentina)
(2) Alternative Energies Area UNPA-UASJ – Puerto San Julián - Santa Cruz (Argentina)